We help founders & execs tired of missing targets, turn customer insight into measurable product growth.

Forget time-sucking guesswork and empty best-practices.

Solve your acquisition, activation & retention problems in weeks (not months).

I would 110% recommend working with the Forget the Funnel team. I've already recommended them to a few other founders!

This team does a deep dive into your company and establishes all the opportunities you’re currently leaving on the table. Their expertise has brought so much value to us already – and we haven't even finished implementing all their recommendations yet.

Messaging has historically been difficult for us to nail because we’ve been so close to our product for so long. FTF gave us the outside perspective we needed. It's a relief to have experts come in and provide fresh recommendations.

Customer data in the aggregate is important, but we encountered limitations. In the aggregate, you simply can’t get close enough to your customers to understand the nuance and subtle details that actually matter a lot. Without that nuance, you have to make a lot of assumptions.

Enter Forget The Funnel, and our perspective shifted. It wasn't about turning away from data or experimentation; it was about elevating them both. By integrating nuanced customer insights, we not only continued our data-driven approach but also amplified the effectiveness of our experiments, aligning them more closely with the diverse needs of our customer base.

Eventually, guesswork stops...working

There are lots of ways to tackle acquisition, activation, & retention challenges in SaaS. If you're like most companies we work with, at least one of these will sound familiar:

You're operating based on intuition or best guesses, which leads to lots of experiments...but nothing that meaningfully moves the needle.

You're following a playbook that worked somewhere else. At a different time in SaaS history. With a different product, team, and target audience.

You're getting help from people who are experts on specific channels or best practices, but who aren't experts on your product, customers, or industry.

Experimentation. Playbooks. Working with channel experts. None of these things are wrong.

Here's what is wrong: before you waste another minute (or dollar) frantically taking action,
you need to develop a deeper understanding of your best customers first. This is what enables you to actually build and market effectively.

A Sprint unlocks that understanding for you. 🔑

We tried so many different tactics to acquire new customers. LinkedIn campaigns, a couple of partnerships, guest blog posts...but we were guessing. Knowing what to focus on is hard when there are so many ways to go about marketing. Having insight into who our best customers are (so we can target our approach to them) gives us a new level  of peace of mind. Having a blueprint for what to do and what to aim at, that’s a big advantage.

Working with us is especially high-ROI for SaaS teams that...

  • Have happy, highly engaged customers, but struggle to cut through the noise and acquire new ones
  • Know there’s a ton of growth levers they could pull, but aren't sure what to prioritize
  • Have decent top-of-funnel activity, but low (or slowed) signups, free-to-paid conversions, or worrisome churn
  • Offer a robust, feature-rich product, but most customers only use a fraction of the feature set
  • Serve a broadrange of customer segments and aren't sure which ones have the highest growth potential
  • Recently experienced a major shift in the market and need to adapt their positioning, messaging, & resources accordingly

Pretty well every SaaS team faces at least one of these challenges as they grow. When it's your team...


We unlock the customer data that puts you on the path to scalable product growth:

Who your very best (and highest LTV) customers are
What life was like for those best customers before they found you
What triggered them to seek something new
What they did next, and next, and next, until they found you
What made them choose you over all the other options
What value they get from your product & how you can expand on that value

These are the details you need to create positioning, messaging, & product strategies that
actually move the needle.

Customer data in the aggregate is important, but we encountered limitations. In the aggregate, you simply can’t get close enough to your customers to understand the nuance and subtle details that actually matter a lot. Without that nuance, you have to make a lot of assumptions.

Enter Forget The Funnel, and our perspective shifted. It wasn't about turning away from data or experimentation; it was about elevating them both. By integrating nuanced customer insights, we not only continued our data-driven approach but also amplified the effectiveness of our experiments, aligning them more closely with the diverse needs of our customer base.

Get the answers you & your team need in 6 weeks or less

They're not called "sprints" for nothing. With minimal effort on your part, we get the answers you need in a fraction of the time it would take with alternatives.

What Forget The Funnel sprints will do for you

  1. A Research Sprint...
    Gives you an in-depth understanding of how your best customers think, feel, and make decisions. You’ll get 10-12 video/audio recordings of 30-45 minute “Jobs-to-be-Done” interviews with your best customers – conducted by a team of expert researchers.
  2. An Insights Sprint...
    Delivers the “so what” of all that research on a silver platter. You’ll get an insights report that breaks down the “Jobs” customers “hire” your product to do, provides recommendations on which customer “Job” represents your biggest growth opportunity, reveals the value your product delivers in your customers’ words, and much more.
  3. A Messaging Sprint...
    Enables you to better describe your product’s value and cut through the noise. You’ll get strategic positioning and messaging recommendations, applicable across your marketing and product experience, to help you better resonate with your best customers.
  4. A Growth Sprint...
    Supercharges your team’s ability to make progress toward your business goals. You’ll get an extremely detailed review of your current customer experience, a team workshop to get your key decision makers aligned on top-priority growth opportunities, and the tools your team needs to take action.

With lofty goals for our PLG offering we needed to have a shared language and cross-functional understanding of the broad set of users in our customer base. Forget The Funnel helped us rethink the way that we're doing product marketing, along with how we're going to market between all of the different disciplines across Bitly. It's only been a month and a half and we're already seeing results; our new product page is generating more demand than any other page on our site and we're revamping our entire onboarding sequence and seeing great results. Most importantly, we're starting to think about execution as one collective team, across marketing, product, CS and sales.

We'll help your team achieve results like...


increase in free-to-paid conversion rate


increase in “north star”feature adoption


increase in free signups


increase in trial signups

We help launch, build & grow amazing SaaS brands:

Book Your Intro Session

We know you needed to get your marketing and growth on the right path yesterday — Reach out and we'll find out ASAP if we can help.(We're typically booked 4-8 weeks in advance so don't wait.)

Growth Sprints range from $30-40k USD
Watch out for an email from us soon.
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Get on the right path to repeatable, scalable SaaS growth, quickly.

A Growth Sprint will help you understand exactly who the best customers are for your B2B SaaS – and how to get more of them – in just five weeks.

Book an intro sessionbook an intro SessionBOOK AN INTRO SESSION

Don't take our word for it

We’ve helped countless SaaS teams get their marketing, messaging, & revenue growth on track.

FTF helped us in 3 major ways: first, we have differentiated positioning & clear messaging to implement across all marketing. Second, we have an action plan for growth backed up by research (which I love)! Third, the Messaging Guide is now our pillar for brand clarity across the whole company. Our workshop was so great. Thank you, team!

Tomas Sugar

CMO, Smartlook

I would 110% recommend working with the Forget the Funnel team. I've already recommended them to a few other founders!

This team does a deep dive into your company and establishes all the opportunities you’re currently leaving on the table. Their expertise has brought so much value to us already – and we haven't even finished implementing all their recommendations yet.

Sarah Boland

Founder & CEO, Life Lapse

Take your SaaS growth strategy from scattered to scalable

Do you know why your best customers choose you? If your answer is ‘I think so,’ we hate to break it to you, but you don’t.

Time and time again, we see SaaS founders and their teams face the same problems:

  • Messaging and marketing aren’t landing, but you’re lost on how to position your company in the market and cut through the noise.
  • There’s a ton of potential growth strategies you could implement, but you don’t know where to focus or what to prioritize.
  • The customer journey is leaky AF. You’re seeing low (or slow) signups, free-to-paid conversions or worrisome churn.
  • Customers are a mystery. You’re not sure which segments have the highest growth potential or how to attract, engage or expand more of them.

You’ve tried to tackle things on your own. But if you’re honest, you don’t know what you don’t know – so all you’ve gotten is unpredictable and unscalable growth.


Results you can count on


increase in free-to-paid conversion rate

client logo - Sparktoro


increase in “north star”
feature adoption


increase in free signups


increase in trial signups

Results you can count on


increase in free-to-paid conversion rate

client logo - Sparktoro


increase in “north star”
feature adoption


increase in free signups


increase in trial signups

We turn customer insights into actionable growth tactics

Tired of trial-and-error tactics and ready for scalable, predictable, customer-led growth? Our Growth Sprint is a rapid application of our Customer-Led Growth framework for your business. 

By the end of our five weeks together, you’ll get:

  • Rich customer insights, so you can more effectively communicate what you do and the value you provide to your best customers.
  • Fresh, expert perspectives that will help you uncover opportunities you might’ve missed on your own and see your business in a new light.
  • A measurable and actionable growth plan, and all the intel and tools needed to hit the ground running post-sprint.

We help launch, build & grow amazing SaaS brands:

Done-For-You meets Done-With-You

DIY-ing your SaaS growth strategy can be a long road filled with dead ends and false starts. 

Done-For-You growth strategies save you time but can be tough to execute. 

Done-With-You offers give you and your team the knowledge and direction to lead your marketing confidently but are often very one-size-fits-all. 

What sets Forget The Funnel’s Growth Sprint apart from all the other growth marketing programs and agencies out there is our Done-For-You meets Done-With-You Approach:

We do all the customer research and analysis for you.
We workshop solutions with you. 
And we build enablement tools for you.

This blended method is perfect for growing teams that want to learn the marketing ropes, but also move quickly.

Why a Growth Sprint?

Strategic and Actionable
You don’t just need a growth strategy but a consistent and repeatable system. Every Growth Sprint includes completely custom and detailed enablement materials based on your best customers, your growth goals and your team's needs. The goal: Hit the ground running the next day, roadblock free.

New Perspectives
When you’re so close to your product, it's tough to see what you could do differently. Be it a new pricing model, target customer, or shift in positioning. You’ll get with a fresh perspective on your business that could unlock otherwise missed growth opportunities

Efficient Process
Conducting customer research on your own can take months. We’ve distilled our process down to just five weeks. Sounds too good to be true? It’s not when you have a tight process, battle-tested framework, and a team with 25+ years of SaaS marketing experience on your side. 

Proprietary Framework
Our Customer-Led Growth Framework is used with leading SaaS companies to help them achieve reliable, revenue-generating outcomes. Applying it to your business will pinpoint what your best customers value most about your product, so you can help them realize that value fast and for the long-term

How it works

The 3 steps of our 5-week Growth Sprints:

1: Insights

For 4 weeks, our team goes heads down, learning from your best customers. We’ll pull apart the findings, codify them, and build an in-depth insights package for you

2: Workshop

During week 5, we’ll come together for a team workshop. We’ll share our findings with you and align on your biggest growth opportunities

3: Hand-off

After the workshop, we finalize your growth strategy and custom deliverables and meet one last time to hand off the work and prepare you to execute.

Deliverables are always unique to your product, customers and team’s needs:

  1. A decisive growth strategy and implementation plan that clarifies the exact, step-by-step actions your team needs to execute within the next 3-6 months (including access to top-notch specialists, consultants, and advisors if required)
  2. A clear and actionable messaging guide to steer the updating of materials like your website, marketing assets, and customer lifecycle communications
  3. Key performance indicators (KPIs) and a customer experience map that works as a simple, repeatable framework for you and your team to measure your success against and operationalize over time as your company scales
  4. Deep customer insight — including your highest-value customers' Jobs-to-be-Done, and a repository of voice-of-customer data to inform everything from more resonant copywriting to future growth experiment brainstorming

What our clients say about our Growth Sprints

Messaging has historically been difficult for us to nail because we’ve been so close to our product for so long. FTF gave us the outside perspective we needed. It's a relief to have experts come in and provide fresh recommendations.

Tyson Kunovsky

Co-founder & CEO, AutoCloud

I was so impressed at the FTF team’s understanding of our product, and their ability to have meaningful, nuanced discussion about what’s best for our business

Their experience and dedication to making recommendations based on data gave us so much confidence.

Emily Castles

CTO, Boundless

We learned so much in our Growth Sprint workshop. The organized structure of the workshop, from processing customer insights to solutions brainstorming, helped align our team quickly. We’re keen to put Forget The Funnel’s recommendations into action.

Abhijeet Vijayvergiya

CEO at Nektar

Book your intro session

We know you needed to get your marketing and growth strategy on the right path yesterday — Reach out below and we'll find out if a sprint can help.
(Sprints are typically booked 4-8 weeks in advance so don't wait.)

Book a free intro strategy session

We know you needed help yesterday — Don't wait to reach out for an intro session to see if working together might make sense for you.

Thanks so much 🙏 Watch your inbox. We'll be back in touch with you very soon.
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Book your intro session

We know you needed to get your marketing and growth strategy on the right path yesterday — Reach out below and we'll find out if a sprint can help.
(Sprints are typically booked 4-8 weeks in advance so don't wait.)

Book a free intro strategy session

We know you needed help yesterday — Don't wait to reach out for an intro session to see if working together might make sense for you.

Thanks so much 🙏 Watch your inbox. We'll be back in touch with you very soon.
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