How to Get Started With SaaS Analytics

August 29, 2018

(Coming Soon)

Dan McGaw

CEO & Founder of Effin Amazing and

If you're trying to run marketing projects, but have few-to-no analytics in place... Or if you have some analytics in place, but feel like banging your head against a wall when you try to get meaningful insights from your data... You will love this workshop with Dan McGaw: CEO of Effin Amazing (an analytics + marketing automation agency) and former Head of Marketing at Kissmetrics.

Dan shares how to:

  • Figure out only the most important events and metrics you need to track
  • Plan -- in an organized, methodical way -- exactly how to name and describe each event, so your entire team understands what you're looking at in your analytics dashboard
  • Convince your dev team to actually help you set up your analytics properly (without hating you 😍)


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Dan McGaw

Dan McGaw is an award-winning entrepreneur and speaker. He is also the Founder and CMO of Effin Amazing, an analytics and marketing consultancy that helps product and marketing teams get data driven and optimize their businesses. Coined as one of the original growth hackers, he has led the teams at and In 2015, Dan was selected to be a United States Ambassador of Entrepreneurship by the United State State Department, where he had the privilege to advise universities, governments and private corporations on how to build entrepreneur ecosystems.

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