Why ‘One-Size-Fits-All’ Hurts Your Business and Your Customers

August 22, 2018

(Coming Soon)

Brennan Dunn

Co-founder of RightMessage

Let's talk about personalization for a second.

It's one of those things most marketers know they're supposed to be doing...But in reality, the majority of us aren't actually doing much with it — because TBH, it's an overwhelming topic.

So instead, we throw some {{first.name}} merge tags into our emails, and we call it a day. And as a result, our website visitors, our trial users, and our customers all get the same, one-size-fits-all experience. Which we know hurts conversion rates.

In this workshop, Brennan Dunn, Co-founder of RightMessage, is here to help. Brennan shares a few concrete, actionable ways to get started with personalization. And keep in mind, the tips he shares are NOT huge, quarter-long projects. These are small tweaks you can make in a week or less, and watch the results roll in 💰

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Brennan Dunn

Brennan Dunn is the Co-founder of RightMessage a software company that helps bring on-site personalization to the masses. He is also the founder of Double Your Freelancing where he teaches over 40,000 freelancers and agencies how to earn more money and work with better clients.

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Brennan Dunn

Brennan Dunn is the Co-founder of RightMessage a software company that helps bring on-site personalization to the masses. He is also the founder of Double Your Freelancing where he teaches over 40,000 freelancers and agencies how to earn more money and work with better clients.

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August 22, 2018

(Coming Soon)

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