How Any Startup Can Create a Customer Journey Map

April 30, 2017

(Coming Soon)

Amy Ellis

Head of Marketing & Partnerships at Fullstory

Wow. We learned so much from Amy Ellis yesterday about using customer journey maps as a tool to get buy-in for marketing projects. This workshop is a must-watch if you need to strengthen your case for a new campaign!

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Amy Ellis

Amy is passionate about customer experience and runs marketing and PR at FullStory, the app that captures all your customer experience data in one powerful, easy-to-use platform. Previously, she was the Head of Integrations and Partnerships at MailChimp for 6 years.

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Amy Ellis

Amy is passionate about customer experience and runs marketing and PR at FullStory, the app that captures all your customer experience data in one powerful, easy-to-use platform. Previously, she was the Head of Integrations and Partnerships at MailChimp for 6 years.

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April 30, 2017

(Coming Soon)

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