How to Write Punchier, Higher-Converting Copy from Page Layout to Punctuation

March 27, 2019

(Coming Soon)

Lianna Patch

Owner & Conversion Copywriter at Punchline Conversion Copywriting

Let's cut to the chase: writing high-converting copy is HARD. Like, really hard.

Unfortunately, it's also one of the most important elements in increasing conversions. So, we could all stand to punch up the copy on our websites, inside our emails, and throughout our products.

But where do you start? You could tear everything down and rewrite from scratch; make a random tweak here or there, and hope for the best...

OR, you could simply steal the techniques Lianna Patch uses to punch up copy & increase conversions for her clients. That's right — we're offering up a steal ;)

As a conversion copywriter for SaaS and e-commerce companies, Lianna's great at coming up with copy that makes people pause, smile, and click — in that order. And she was kind enough to share some of her secrets with you! (Bonus: she also happens to be a funny-as-hell human.)

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Lianna Patch

Lianna specializes in conversion copywriting with a sense of humor. This head-puncher writes stuff that makes people say "yes!" and works mostly with E-commerce and SaaS companies.

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Lianna Patch

Lianna specializes in conversion copywriting with a sense of humor. This head-puncher writes stuff that makes people say "yes!" and works mostly with E-commerce and SaaS companies.

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March 27, 2019

(Coming Soon)

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