[Live Replay] Turning Customer Research Into Customer Outcomes

June 17, 2020

(Coming Soon)

Georgiana Laudi & Claire Suellentrop

Forget The Funnel

How do you turn customer research into impactful end-results, like higher-converting website messaging, effective onboarding experiences, and more relevant product messaging?

In this live Q&A, we dove into how we used insights from just a handful of customer survey responses to help a SaaS company develop new positioning, messaging, and website copy that drove a 93% increase in visit-to-signup conversions, and a 19% increase in overall revenue.

We covered:

  • How to identify exactly which customers to learn from
  • How to zoom in on what pain points motivate your best customers to seek new solutions
  • How to translate your insights into new opportunities for growth

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Georgiana Laudi & Claire Suellentrop

When it comes to growing multi-million dollar SaaS businesses, we’ve seen what works. Both separately and together, we've built best-in-class brands from the ground up and played key roles in revenue growth. While our background stories may differ — Gia’s a Canadian who’s been marketing since 2000; Claire’s an American whose marketing career began in 2012 — we’re united in wanting to support those growing SaaS companies, and to provide resources they need to step up as strategic leaders. You can learn more about us here.

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Georgiana Laudi & Claire Suellentrop

When it comes to growing multi-million dollar SaaS businesses, we’ve seen what works. Both separately and together, we've built best-in-class brands from the ground up and played key roles in revenue growth. While our background stories may differ — Gia’s a Canadian who’s been marketing since 2000; Claire’s an American whose marketing career began in 2012 — we’re united in wanting to support those growing SaaS companies, and to provide resources they need to step up as strategic leaders. You can learn more about us here.

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June 17, 2020

(Coming Soon)

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