How to Bring OKRs to Your SaaS Marketing Team

September 11, 2019

(Coming Soon)

Liz Elfman

SaaS marketer and copywriter currently in-house at Toggl

There are countless frameworks for setting your team's goals and tracking progress, and our favorite happens to be OKRs (Objectives & Key Results).

Popularized by Google in the late 90s' / early 2000s, the basic goal of OKRs is to precisely define how to achieve objectives through concrete, specific, measurable actions. However, the real "how-to's" of implementing OKRs can get a bit who better to break them down for us than someone who used them while she worked at Google, herself?

Thankfully, Liz Elfman — previously a marketing manager at Google, and now part of Toggl's marketing team — shares real-world examples of how she uses OKRs with her team.

The best part is, you don't have to be a company like Google to make OKRs work for you. Even super-scrappy teams can use the OKR system to create impressive results.


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Liz Elfman

Liz is a copywriter and marketing strategist with expertise in startups, enterprise, and SaaS marketing. She has worked for Google and General Assembly. She is founder and CEO of E-Squared Agency, and currently sits in-house as a marketer at Toggl.

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