How & When to Outsource Your SaaS Marketing

October 31, 2018

(Coming Soon)

Rachelle Houde Simard

Head of Strategy at Tam-Tam

Building your SaaS marketing team: it's quite a choose-your-own adventure process.

When you need rapid growth, on a limited budget, and you (and your current team, if you have them) are already at full capacity...what do you do?

Hire a new full-time employee?
Outsource the work to a capable agency?
Contract a freelancer to be your "extra pair of hands?"

The answer, of course, is: it depends. It depends on your budget, the maturity of your marketing program, and your unique needs.

Thankfully, though, choosing the best route doesn't have to be a shot in the dark: because in this workshop, Rachelle Houde, Senior Interactive & Experiential Strategist, is sharing a framework to help you make your best decision.

Rachelle has spent nearly 20 years building her digital marketing expertise, and she's seen it all: the agency, in-house, and freelance consultant perspectives.

Catch Rachelle's workshop for a deep-dive into the pros and cons of hiring an employee, an agency, or a freelancer — and for insider tips on how to get the best results from whichever you choose.

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Rachelle Houde Simard

After nearly 20 years of experience in branding, digital communications and marketing, Rachelle is proud to work with Québec and national brands and organizations to increase their visibility, reach and share of love. As an advocate for women in tech, she shares her passion for technology with women at all phases of their lives to consider careers in tech as well as adopting technology in their careers.

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Rachelle Houde Simard

After nearly 20 years of experience in branding, digital communications and marketing, Rachelle is proud to work with Québec and national brands and organizations to increase their visibility, reach and share of love. As an advocate for women in tech, she shares her passion for technology with women at all phases of their lives to consider careers in tech as well as adopting technology in their careers.

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October 31, 2018

(Coming Soon)

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