A Crash Course in SaaS Audience Research

May 8, 2019

(Coming Soon)

Katelyn Bourgoin

Founder & Lead Trainer at Customer Camp

Here's a mind-bending statistic: marketers who conduct audience research are 466% more successful than those who don't.

And, on a related note: 65% of marketers are NOT conducting this research. They're simply guessing at what tactics will drive growth for their companies. 😱

So...are you one of the marketers who's 466% more successful than everyone else? Or are you somewhere in the other 65%?

If you know it's time to get more serious about conducting customer research — but you're not sure where to start, or how in the world to get buy-in — then this workshop is for you.

Today, Katelyn Bourgoin, Founder of Customer Camp, walks us through her 10-minute research setup guide: a simple, step-by-step approach to get you on the path to conducting ongoing customer research, right away.

You'll learn...

  • The top methods of audience research + their pros and cons
  • What insights you should be looking for from your research
  • Helpful research tools to help you get started fast
  • Common research pain points & how to solve them


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Katelyn Bourgoin

Katelyn Bourgoin is a 3X founder turned growth strategist. She understands the challenges product teams face because she’s been there herself. With operational experience spanning the marketing, tech, and hospitality sectors, Katelyn has been named as an influential entrepreneur by Forbes and featured in Inc., HuffPost, Bustle, CBC, CTV, Global TV and more. Katelyn’ s past clients include high-growth startups, SMBs, and Fortune 500 companies like Target and Holiday Inn. Today Katelyn helps frustrated product teams use customer insight to figure out who their best customers are and what triggers them to buy (or stop buying).

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